soccer world cup

one week into the tournament i must say we can already in the group phase witness outstanding soccer skills and games. it was a joy to watch the argentine players score their six goals vs. scg last night. take the second goal of the match for instance finished by cambiasso – watch the highlights here: arg vs. scg
just in time for the game tog – sui the inofficial soundtrack is available. don’t miss the fun song pogo avec togo

indi – pimp up your memory stick

i came across indi ( last night while reading a blog. actually, it was link with ruby in the headline which lead me to indi. after signing up i was immediately invited to join their beta program. with curiosity i downloaded and installed it on my 1 gb memory stick. it is a very useful tool with lots of potential. despite its technological complexity (runs on various platforms, flash, ruby, sleepycat etc.) it is smooth to install and use. i think it is a blast and i am happy to play with the features.